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The Battle with Diet

Basal Metabolism Calculator

Anyone who has tried to lose weight will agree. Many have tried various diet and exercise programs, but ultimately failed. I was one of them. I started gaining weight in my early 20s, and by my 30s, my weight had increased dramatically. I started dieting, but quickly gave up. Moreover, the stress from dieting seemed to make me gain more weight.

Then one day, I learned about BMR. Knowing that increasing BMR helps in losing weight, I started practicing ways to increase BMR.

What is BMR(basal metabolism rate)?

BMR is the amount of energy we burn even when we sleep or sit still. The higher the BMR, the more calories you burn, which helps in losing weight. There are several ways to increase BMR. The most effective way is to increase muscle mass. Muscles burn more calories than fat. Also, consuming enough protein and exercising regularly can help increase BMR.

In this article, let’s look in detail about how to increase BMR.

6 Ways to Increase BMR

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. While it’s common to combine diet control and exercise, increasing BMR is also an important method. BMR is the amount of energy we burn even when we sleep or sit still. The higher the BMR, the more calories you burn, which helps in losing weight.

There are six main ways to increase BMR.

1. Increase Muscle Mass

Muscles burn more calories than fat, so increasing muscle mass can help increase BMR. Strength training is effective for increasing muscle mass. Strength training can be done in various ways such as weight training, bodyweight exercises, and resistance band exercises.

For those who are new to strength training, it’s good to start with light weight and gradually increase the weight. It’s also effective to focus on one area at a time.

When strength training, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Stretch adequately before and after the exercise.
  • Maintain the correct posture during the exercise.
  • Take enough rest after the exercise.

2. Increase Protein Intake

Protein is a component of muscles. Therefore, consuming enough protein can help increase muscle mass. For adult men, it’s good to consume 1.2~2g of protein per kg of body weight per day.

Protein is abundant in various foods such as meat, fish, eggs, tofu, and beans.

When consuming protein, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Don’t consume too much at once.
  • Consume evenly through meals and snacks.

3. Regular Exercise

Regular exercise helps increase muscle mass and BMR. It’s good to combine aerobic exercise and strength training. Aerobic exercise helps burn fat, and strength training helps increase muscle mass.

It’s good to do aerobic exercise for more than 150 minutes a week and strength training more than 2~3 times a week.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep is a cause of lowering BMR. Therefore, it’s good to get 7~8 hours of sleep a day.

To sleep well, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol before going to bed.
  • Don’t use smartphones or TVs before going to bed.
  • Create a comfortable environment for sleep.

5. Regular Meals

Having regular meals helps regulate blood sugar levels and increase BMR. It’s good to keep meal intervals to 3~4 hours and eat a moderate amount of food.

To have regular meals, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Don’t skip breakfast.
  • Include protein, carbohydrates, and fat evenly in each meal.
  • Avoid overeating.

6. Stress Management

Stress is a cause of lowering BMR. Therefore, it’s important to manage stress. Methods to manage stress include meditation, yoga, exercise, and hobbies.

In managing stress, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Identify and reduce or eliminate stress-causing factors.
  • Find ways to relieve stress.
  • Get enough rest.

Extra Tips

Here are some additional tips that can help increase BMR.

Eat Spicy Food

Capsaicin in spicy food is known to help increase BMR. Capsaicin has the effect of raising body temperature and activating metabolism.

When eating spicy food, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Choose food that is not too stimulating.
  • Avoid eating only spicy food.
Basal Metabolism Calculator

Drink Green Tea

Catechin in green tea is known to help increase BMR. Catechin has the effect of promoting fat breakdown and activating metabolism.

When drinking green tea, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Drink about 2~3 cups a day.
  • Drink green tea brewed in hot water.

Get Sunlight

There are research results that sunlight increases BMR. Sunlight produces vitamin D, which has the effect of activating metabolism.

When getting sunlight, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Apply sunscreen.
  • Avoid when the sunlight is strong.


Increasing BMR is an effective way to lose weight. If you practice the methods introduced above, you can increase BMR and succeed in losing weight. I cheer for everyone who starts dieting.

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